Our One Year Anniversary Is Soon Approaching…

January 25th 2022 will mark the anniversary of our first year of being Incorporated. Wow what a year it has been! As we take the time to reflect on this last year we are so blessed to be supported by our new partners who drive our mission even further. A special thanks to Candice Zunti from Re/Max River City, Media North Productions, and Patti-Jo and her team at Quilts For Everyday Heroes. But that’s not all, we have been blown away from the support from the EMS family too! From Joanie Smith organization a very successful EMS Memorial Golf Tournament, to Chris Atkins and the Wine Survivor event, to Janine Maxwell at Janine’s Sewing Room and so many more. We were even recognized by businesses in the Community such as the Stony Plain Starbucks. The unwavering support by those we serve and those in the Community who recognize the good work being done has left us humbled and speechless.

In return of all the love we have been shown, we have been able to offer sponsorship to the Edmonton Zone (EZ) Peer Support Program and wellness initiatives delivered to their EMS practitioners.

From offering sponsorship to the EZ Peer Support program, specifically the one that recognizes EMS practitioners who are expecting a new little one into their family with a card and gift. To date, we have been able to sponsor over 80 baby gifts and recognize over 30 significant life event that our EMS practitioners have experienced. EMS Peer Support and Wellness Solution offered program sponsorship to many peer programs this year within the Edmonton Zone. Some additional events include the EZ EMS Easter Hunt initiative, where over fifty Tim Horton gift cards were hidden throughout the EMS stations in the Edmonton Zone for practitioners to find. To the Canada Day and Thanksgiving events which offered to bring a sense of community and appreciation to those working. And to end the year off an EMS Christmas Draw for the practitioners working away from their families on Christmas. This event supported small businesses that are run formally or informally by our EMS practitioners. By sponsoring their work and products for the draw, we were able to offer support both ends. First by sponsoring the event delivered by the Edmonton Peer program, and secondly by supporting those small hobbyist, and businesses run by EMS practitioners.

In summary, we have been so blessed to receive a out pour of support by so many this year. All in which allows us to further drive our Mission:To promote and foster EMS practitioner’s well-being and community connection through Peer Support initiatives and preventative psychological wellness programs. From our hearts to yours, thank you!

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