Team entry deadline is DECEMBER 16th, 2022 and Draw Date is DECEMBER 19th , 2022!!
Submit your entries to
We are so very honoured to be chosen again as this years Non profit recipient of the 2022 Wine Survivor Challenge! The proceeds raised for the fundraiser helps EMS Peer Support & Wellness Solutions continue to drive us closer to our Vision and Mission.
With the utmost appreciation and gratitude we want to thank all of those involved including Mr. Atkins and his lovely wife for organizing this event, and all of those individuals participating and entering their teams.
It was a blast last year and I can’t wait to see what this year has in store.
Just in time for Christmas!
The winners will receive the many bottles of wine to split between your teammates or whatever the agreement may be between your team 😉

Those who get their teams in and paid for by December 1st will be entered to win 1 of 2 delicious gift baskets!